Hello there 👊

Creating this website, this blog, was just a matter of time. Literally. And not just any time. I've been immersed in the scene since 1994, ever since the winding road from Nirvana through Zack de la Rocha of RATM led me to Body Count, where my cool and sweet daddy Ice-T pushed me into the abyss of a new world. He was definitely my "Pusher". I am a product of the brazen representatives of G-Funk, born during a spring oxytocin storm when a monument emerged from the bowels of New York that has accompanied me for 30 years, becoming a dogma and an unattainable model. "Illmatic".

What about me? I'm a guy who mixes jazz with alternative rock, blues with metal, A Tribe Called Quest with N.W.A., all while figuring out how to add a few more hours to the day. I'm also the type who got stuck in the rap mud of the '90s. A dinosaur claiming that "things were better back then." That's why this blog is a nostalgic creation, an undefined collection of returns to the best albums I've had the pleasure of hearing. It's a blog about my favorite records, and it was created primarily for me. No doubt about it. However, if you're reading this, thank you, and I invite you to come back for more.

Let's stay in touch. If you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas on how to improve the website, let me know. Drop me a message. If you believe the blog sucks and would like to write a quality post, give me a heads up.
